Carra's World

If the Real World is not Enough Anymore…

Tagged : 100 Things about Me

Started when I read reedler’s posting and then he tagged me as well… he made me being some narcist person 😀 kakaka… nahh!! just kidding buddy! Hmmm… and I don’t think either that people will manage to read these kinda things of me but oh well… things need to get done huh 😆

so here we go…

  1. Basically I’m a cheerful person, easy to laugh and easy to smile
  2. I love to read… esp fantasy novels
  3. I like to sing wherever I want whenever I want
  4. I love to design
  5. I mean… I design anything I can design
  6. I’m a fast self-learner
  7. I’ve lost my dad when I was 17
  8. and thus I can’t attend any funerals
  9. I hate thunderstorm
  10. I have this dust and cold allergy… I sneeze a lot…
  11. I hate when people yelling at me…
  12. I hat when people telling me what I should do things that I’ve already done
  13. I try hard to keep my promises
  14. I say “Tobaaaattt!!” and “Aaaiiihhh!!!” a lot…
  15. Sometimes I act without even thinking first
  16. … and that often puts me into troubles (oh well… seems like trouble is my middle name 😆 )
  17. sometimes I’m just ready to take some serious risks about something
  18. I like travelling
  19. I like observing people
  20. I like guessing what people think or who they really are
  21. I love lemon tea esp with ice cubes
  22. I loooooooooooove “tempe” and real hot “sambel bawang mentah”
  23. I love when I can get my works or responsibility done
  24. I don’t like people talking about me behind my back
  25. I’m not a good teacher… I just hope people can learn by themselves
  26. I hate my teeth
  27. I love my skin
  28. I love to wear jeans and tshirt… I don’t feel comfy wearing any dresses
  29. I’m too lazy to clean my own room
  30. I hate my hair cuz I got hairfall problem
  31. … but I love my hair cuz finally I can get it longest ever
  32. I put up my feet when I sit
  33. I hate getting ignored…
  34. I love my family sooooooooooo much…
  35. I’m an introvert
  36. I love blue color
  37. well… sometimes black
  38. … and red
  39. I love dogs!!!!
  40. I hate cockroach and any kinda bugs
  41. I can speak nothing at all when I’m in bad mood
  42. well… I think sometimes I’m just too lazy to talk at all
  43. I hate when I got nothing to do
  44. I’m a narcist person 😀
  45. I wanna run my own business from home someday
  46. … and the business is about design and internet
  47. … don’t have any ideas yet thou 🙄
  48. I always try being modest…
  49. …but then I look like a moron! 👿
  50. I think I’m funny
  51. I love it so much when my hubby talks to me and when he just stares at me 😳
  52. I think I was a material girl… hmmm… could i be still?? 🙄
  53. I listen to almost any music… rock, jazz, classic, traditional, etc…
  54. I love it when my hubby carrying me to the bed 😆 😳
  55. I think my hubby has the nicest ass on earth! 😆 😛
  56. I’m a tough girl but fragile at once
  57. I love my computer so much cuz my friends are in there 😆 🙄 (thanks to you irrr …!!!)
  58. I hate waiting…
  59. well … I guess I’m not a patient girl then…
  60. wait… I’m no longer a girl!!! 😆 kakakaka…
  61. I organize my files so neatly in my computer
  62. I hate it when somebody messes anything in my computer
  63. I hate it when the internet disconnected
  64. I love it when people is happy because of me…
  65. I’m religious
  66. I always dream about true friends but I can’t have one till now
  67. I do appreciate honesty
  68. … and loyalty
  69. … and commitment
  70. I’m a moody freak!
  71. I never had a boyfriend before my soulmate came
  72. I’m the spoilt little brat at home
  73. I enjoy driving my car
  74. I dream about VW Beetle
  75. … but I dunno anything about car’s machine
  76. I like action or fantasy movies… esp those with martial arts… woooo taaaa!!!!
  77. I was awarded as 20 % best university graduate
  78. I got several design awards…
  79. I was an academic-oriented student… never join in any communities
  80. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVEE Donald Duck!
  81. I hate Daisy Duck… 😆
  82. I love to watch si Bolang, Surat Sahabat, Laptop si Unyil, Nanny 911, Wisata Kuliner and Kick Andy…
  83. I hate Tukul Arwana…
  84. I hate Cincha Lawra…
  85. I loooove Christiano Ronaldo… mmmmmuuach baby…
  86. I loooove Tora Sudiro… 😀
  87. I hate Indonesian sinetrons
  88. I love extravaganza
  89. I would dance when I hear some up-beat music
  90. I hate when my sms unreplied
  91. I hate it when people got blown up because of little things
  92. I don’t like being tickled
  93. I don’t get amazed so easy
  94. I’d rather hide my feelings
  95. … and then I write them when I can no longer hide them…
  96. I burp a lot
  97. I tend not to hurt people’s feeling…
  98. I tend to pick some nice words if I want to warn people about something…
  99. I always wish somebody will send me flowers… but noone ever does 😦
  100. I tend to comb my hair when I’m nervous…

there… 100 things about me…

can I write more??? 😆 yikes!! nah… I’m just kidding… well… now if somebody wants to write as well.. it will be great and just lemme know 😉

Filed under: OOT, , ,

24 Responses

  1. hanggadamai says:

    waw hebat, bisa ampe seratus

    #carra said : pekerjaan 1 minggu ni mas… 😆

  2. Hangga bilang hebat
    padahal ga ngerti mksudnya 😀

    #carra said : aiiiihhh… kang achoey 😆 ada dendam pribadi yak sama hangga…??

  3. irrrr says:

    waahh… kereen….

    welkam bek mba….. 🙂

    #carra said : thanks 😉

  4. tukangkopi says:

    ckckck..academic oriented, awarded as 20% best university graduate, got several design awards..saya jadi bener2 pengen kenalan ama orangnya.. 😀

    #carra said : *salaman lagi sama tukangkopi* 😆 hmmm… awards nya cuma kecil2an kok… cuma mimpi bisa merebut lingkup nasional 😀

  5. tehaha says:

    aku kalo disuruh ngarang 100 hal tentang diri sendiri pasti bingung mau nulis apa..
    jadi, mungkin itu maksudnya hangga, karena mbak carra bisa.. 🙂
    pecinta extravaganza dan pembenci tukul arwana..??
    berbanding terbalik dengan saia 🙂

    #carra said : coba salahkan reedler aja… 😀 tapi ngerjainnya sambil nyengir2 sendiri sih 😀 jadi enjoy aja… skali2 boleh lah narsis… 😆

  6. Amichan1013 says:

    58. I hate waiting—>wah, sama! Me too. Sometimes, that’s make me mad.

    92. I hate being tickled—>hoho…me too, But, my friends said, that the best way to make me yell : ‘ampuun’

    77. I was awarded as 20 % best university graduate–>Really? Wow, cool!

    Btw, slm knal y!

    #carra said : hehehe… lam kenal juga 😉 thanks for stopping by

  7. ge ge ge 😆
    THH membela hangga dari akh achoey…

    bener tuh, si hangga padahal emang g ngerti apa2. soalnya mba carra pke bahasa inggeris.. 😆
    *mbela akh achoey, dasar kompor 😛 *

    tapi, klo presty disuruh nulis 100 hal tentang presty…
    malah2 jadi nulis ampe 200…
    *yang g penting juga ditulis 😛 *

    #carra said : coba aja nulis 100 things about you, presty… 😀 you can make it to 200… 😆 hmmm… kok hangga banyak penyerangnya ya…?? *curious mode on*

  8. kok banyak hate-nya, mba?
    coba baca buku “the Secret” karya Rhonda Bynes deh…

    #carra said : yah namanya juga manusia… 😀 hehe… aku dah pernah liat tuh buku… bagus yah? hiks… banyak bener antriannya… irrrr kmrn juga kasih rekomendasi buku… skrg nambah lagi… tp boleh juga kalo emg bener bagus… sementara skrg lagi nylesein “1001 tentang kehamilan” 😆

  9. hanggadamai says:

    bener kata mas tehaha…
    diriku gak akan sanggup klo bikin mpe 100
    buat mbak presty & kang achoey: kasian deh kmu :mrgreen:

    #carra said : 😆 kakakaka… tapi coba aja dikerjain selama 1 minggu masa masi ga bisa juga… 😛 ayo hangga!! kamu boleh coba 100 things about you!! hidup hangga!!!! 😈

  10. reedler says:

    looh narsisme kowk nyalahin saya…
    saya hanya mediator dari narsisme mu… wk wk wk

    addictive eh ? 😀

    –> I mean… I design anything I can design
    ** hi five with Carra **

    –> … and that often puts me into troubles (oh well… seems like trouble is my middle name 😆 )
    look’s troubling…

    –> I like guessing what people think or who they really are
    how accurate? –> sometimes i can’t believe that I was right about somebody 😉

    –> I’m a narcist person 😀
    Tuh kan!

    –> I organize my files so neatly in my computer
    ** hi five again with Carra **

    #carra said : yeah right… some mediator you are 😆

  11. hanggadamai says:

    bukan banyak penyerangnya mbak…
    tapi mereka anggota Hangga Fans Club… :mrgreen:

    #carra said : nah… nambah satu lagi manusia narsis 😆

  12. yoenday says:

    wah wah.. saya malah blm kepikiran buat nulis bahkan hanya 10 things about me..
    kalo bisa nulis fact tentang diri sendiri ampe 100 point gini, itu artinya mb’ carra udah sangat mengenal dirinya..
    siip siip 🙂

    #carra said : 😀 hehehe… namanya juga narsis *ditimpuk*

  13. sammy says:

    woof woof woof….i dont speak indo…but i think u r crazy man….woof woof firking woof

    #carra said : hehe 😀 yeah i know you dont speak indo 😛 but i can make you here anyway haha… im crazy??? hmmm… look whos talking 😆 we’re born crazy aint we…??

  14. antown says:

    sabar bener bos nulis segitu banyaknya… hemmmm….

    #carra said : 😀 hmmm another one thing about me… kalo udah niat, biasanya ngerjainnya juga sepenuh hati 😀

  15. nung says:

    carra…tu apaan seh?? tau aku,
    pesen ya..jng pke bhs inggris donk….ga ngerti
    direktur tu katrox
    mhon d mklumi ya….
    mklum ga pernah merasakan bangku sekolah….
    lahir langsung bisa mkan krupuk hheheheh
    tks kunjungannya

    #carra said : hehehe… yah abisnya yang ngasih soal PR juga pake basa inggris… masa yang jawab soal pake basa indo… 😀 bukannya sok Cincha Lawra, tapi yah menyesuaikan aja biar pas. tuh Sammy, komentator di atas, bukan orang indo lho… 😉

  16. jensen99 says:

    I’m too lazy to clean my own room

    Same here… :mrgreen:

    I love dogs!!!!

    Either did me… 🙂

    I hate it when the internet disconnected

    Since it disconnects you from us as well… 😦

    I’m a moody freak!

    A cup of coffee for you…

    I hate Indonesian sinetrons

    Toast…!!! 😀

    #carra said : 😆

  17. “99. I always wish somebody will send me flowers… but noone ever does”


    #carra said : is that flower for me…?? 😳 awww… thank you… 😆

  18. Hedwig™ says:

    # I hate it when the internet disconnected

    I hate when speedy bill came


    #carra said : 😆 hahahahah… who doesnt hate bills anyway…?

  19. walah kok yo sempat nulis sampe 100 pake bahasa londo lagi

    #carra said : 🙄 emang aneh ya… 😀 😀

  20. norie says:

    Saya juga suka mengobservasi orang-orang. 🙂

    #carra said : itu memang satu keasikan tersendiri 🙂 bermain2 dengan psikologi…

  21. Balisugar says:

    huebat…huebat tapi soal alergi debu and banyak bersin sama

    banget ma aqu cuman kita gak bisa menghindar debu kan ? i

    love dogs juga, waduh lupa euy mao ngomong apa lagi tapi

    banyak yang sama kok mak aku tapi aku demen si Aming

    bukan tora sudiro…kwak kwak

    #carra said : iya teh jadi ya udah nikmati aja ni bersin2nya 😀 hehe… btw teteh ke sini ga bawa makanan teh…?? 😀

  22. de2k ryan says:

    ma carra,
    your boyfriend khan oom ir……koq dilupain? apa ngga ingat dulu klo oom ir
    dtg mama pasti ambil dompetnya dan dikuras habis……smp segitunya!!!!

    ngga ditambah :
    suka makan acar ketimun wkt kecil?
    sering ditinggal ayah bayu & oom ir main sepak bola wkt kecil?


    #carra said : 😈 meh!! yg ini mah buka rahasia ajah! acar ketimun sampe skrg juga masi doyaaaannn!!! dibikinin 1 mangkok jg aku habisin! kalo ditinggal ayah bayu n oom ir mah udah nasib jadi anak bontot satu2nya cewek! 😛 makanya skrg jd seneng nonton bola!

  23. iiq says:

    along i’ve know you,you’re …
    – look like a seriously girl..:)
    – often sneeze a lot in the morning
    _ sometimes you speak nothing when you get a bad mood
    – i can’t say that you’re more patient ya teh.:)

    – a cheerful person
    – you have a lot of ideas
    _ actually you’re friendly..:).
    and one thing that make I proud with you…
    – you never talking something bad about another person..:)

    #carra said : awww sweety pie 😆 … you know me too well huh…?? 😀

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Self-Portrait of @RedCarra

Blogger. Designer. Web-Marketer. Marketing and Visual Communicator. Social Media Junker.
Female. A wife. A mother of 2. Curvy. Short. Jeans or legging. T-Shirt or Batik. Backpack. Wild mind. Easy to get panic. Cynic. Rebellious. Logic. Realistic. Moody. Details. Impatient. Clumsy. Straight forward. Procrastinator. Black and Dark Maroon. Graphic Design. Webs and Blogs. Photography. Architecture. Interior. Crafts. Coffee. Guava Juice. Chocolate. Music. Internet. Book.

Me? Get hurt? Just do that to me one more time.

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